40 research outputs found

    Chances for Arctic Survival: Greely's Expedition Revisited

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    Greely's historic starvation camp of 1883-84 was revisited from April to June 1998. Our study revealed that the "sea fleas" reported to be the salvation of the expedition survivors were lysianassoid crustaceans Onisimus edwardsi. Expedition diaries reveal that the seven survivors of the 25-member expedition accumulated a huge energy deficit from October 1883 to June 1894. We estimate that their food supply (ship's rations, sparse game, and over 500 kg of carrion-feeding crustaceans collected in spring 1884) added up to about 4.8 million kcal. The minimal energy requirement of the group (5725 man/days and 1200 kcal/person/day) was 6.8 million kcal. The additional 2.0 million kcal might have been obtained from the bodies of victims. Without cannibalism, it seems unlikely that anyone, having attained an individual energy deficit of over 86000 kcal before the rescue in June 1894, could have survived.D'avril à juin 1998, on est retournés sur le site du campement de A. W. Greely qui, en 1883-1884, connut une famine historique. Notre étude révèle que les "puces de mer" auxquelles les survivants de l'expédition auraient dû leur salut étaient en fait des crustacés lysianassoïdes Onisimus edwardsi. Les journaux de l'expédition révèlent que, d'octobre 1883 à juin 1884, les 7 survivants de l'expédition, qui comprenait au départ 25 individus, accumulèrent un énorme déficit énergétique. On estime que leurs vivres (rations de marin, quelque gibier et plus de 500 kg de crustacés nécrophages ramassés au printemps de 1884) représentaient un maximum d'environ 4,8 millions de kcal. Les besoins énergétiques minimaux du groupe (5725 jours-personnes et 1200 kcal/personne/jour) étaient de 6,8 millions de kcal. Les 2,0 millions de kcal manquant auraient pu provenir des corps des victimes. Il semble en effet improbable que quelqu'un souffrant d'un déficit énergétique individuel supérieur à 86 000 kcal avant le sauvetage de juin 1884 ait pu survivre sans pratiquer le cannibalisme

    Age class composition and growth of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) in the shallow water zone of Kongsfjorden, Svalbard

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    Although Atlantic cod has been observed in Svalbard waters since the 1880s, knowledge about the presence in the Arctic shallow water zone is limited. The regular catch of juvenile Atlantic cod in Kongs orden since 2008 is in line with an overall northward shift of boreal fish species toward the Arctic. This is the first study showing the age class composition, growth rates, and stomach content of Atlantic cod in the shallow water zone of Kongs orden, Svalbard. From 2012 to 2014 a total of 721 specimens were sampled in 3 to 12 m water depth. The primary age classes were identified as 0+, 1+, and 2+using otolith age analysis. The diferent cohorts of these specimens show stable growth rates during the polar day and night. By stomach content analysis, we show that these specimens primarily feed on benthic food sources. These observations support the assumption that the shallow water zone of Kongs orden is likely to be a nursery ground for Atlantic cod

    Age class composition and growth of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) in the shallow water zone of Kongsfjorden, Svalbard

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    Although Atlantic cod has been observed in Svalbard waters since the 1880s, knowledge about the presence in the Arctic shallow water zone is limited. The regular catch of juvenile Atlantic cod in Kongsfjorden since 2008 is in line with an overall northward shift of boreal fish species toward the Arctic. This is the first study showing the age class composition, growth rates, and stomach content of Atlantic cod in the shallow water zone of Kongsfjorden, Svalbard. From 2012 to 2014 a total of 721 specimens were sampled in 3 to 12 m water depth. The primary age classes were identified as 0+, 1+, and 2+ using otolith age analysis. The different cohorts of these specimens show stable growth rates during the polar day and night. By stomach content analysis, we show that these specimens primarily feed on benthic food sources. These observations support the assumption that the shallow water zone of Kongsfjorden is likely to be a nursery ground for Atlantic cod.publishedVersio

    Zooplankton in Svalbard fjords on the Atlantic–Arctic boundary

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    Zooplankton abundance and community structures were studied in three west Spitsbergen fjords at the beginning of the warm phase, which seem to have entered in 2006. Sampling was conducted in summer 2007 at stations distributed along transects in Hornsund, Isfjorden and Kongsfjorden. Variations in zooplankton standing stocks and community structures (assessing taxonomic diversity and zoogeographical affiliations) were analysed in relation to the environmental variables using multivariate techniques. The hydrographic conditions in Hornsund were influenced by the cold Arctic Water, whereas those in Isfjorden and especially in Kongsfjorden were, to a greater extent, under the influence of the warm Atlantic Water. High abundances of both meroplankton and holoplankton organisms were observed in Kongsfjorden, with high contributions of boreal and ubiquitous species (Calanus finmarchicus and Oithona similis, respectively). In Hornsund at the same time, the zooplankton consisted mainly of boreo-Arctic and Arctic species, the abundances of which were comparable along the West Spitsbergen Shelf. Our results indicate that the difference in hydrography had measurable effects on the zooplankton community in the study area. Furthermore, by comparing regions of contrasting oceanographic conditions, we present evidence as to how the zooplankton structure will change in the Arctic ecosystems if the warming trends continue to operate with the same dynamics. The advection of Atlantic waters to the Arctic seas may lead to changes in zooplankton structure, with increased abundance and contributions of boreal and small ubiquitous species. The ‘warmer Arctic fjords’ scenarios may also induce more rapid development of both holoplankton and meroplankton populations and, consequently, modify the trophic interactions in plankton communities

    Deliverable 3.6 zoning plan of case studies : evaluation of spatial management options for the case studies

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    Within MESMA, nine case studies (CS) represent discrete marine European spatial entities, at different spatial scales, where a spatial marine management framework is in place, under development or considered. These CS (described in more details below) are chosen in such a way (MESMA D. 3.1 ) that they encompass the complexity of accommodating the various user functions of the marine landscape in various regions of the European marine waters. While human activities at sea are competing for space, there is also growing awareness of the possible negative effects of these human activities on the marine ecosystem. As such, system specific management options are required, satisfying current and future sectoral needs, while safeguarding the marine ecosystem from further detoriation. This integrated management approach is embedded in the concept of ecosystem based management (EBM). The goal of marine EBM is to maintain marine ecosystems in a healthy, productive and resilient condition, making it possible that they sustain human use and provide the goods and services required by society (McLeod et al. 2005). Therefore EBM is an environmental mangagement approach that recognises the interactions within a marine ecosystem, including humans. Hence, EBM does not consider single issues, species or ecosystems good and services in isolation. Operationalisation of EBM can be done through place-based or spatial management approaches (Lackey 1998), such as marine spatial planning (MSP). MSP is a public process of analysing and allocating the spatial and temporal distribution of human activities aiming at achieving ecological, economic and social objectives. These objectives are usually formulated through political processes (Douvere et al. 2007, Douvere 2008). Within MESMA, a spatially managed area (SMA) is then defined as “a geographical area within which marine spatial planning initiatives exist in the real world”. Marine spatial planning initiatives refer to existing management measures actually in place within a defined area, or in any stage of a process of putting management in place, e.g. plans or recommendations for a particular area. Management can include management for marine protection (e.g. in MPAs), or management for sectoral objectives (e.g. building a wind farm to meet renewable energy objectives). Within MESMA, SMAs can have different spatial scales. A SMA can be a small, specific area that is managed/planned to be managed for one specific purpose, but it can also be a larger area within which lots of plans or ‘usage zones’ exist. This definition is different from the definition mentioned in the DoW (page 60). The original definition was adapted during a CS leader workshop (2-4 May 2012 in Gent, Belgium) and formally accepted by the MESMA ExB during the ExB meeting in Cork (29-30 May 2012). MSP should result in a marine spatial management plan that will produce the desired future trough explicit decisions about the location and timing of human activities. Ehler & Douvere (2009) consider this spatial management as a beginning toward the the implementation of desired goals and objectives. They describe the spatial management plan as a comprehensive, strategic document that provides the framework and direction for marine spatial management decisions. The plan should identify when, where and how goals and objectives will be met. Zoning (the development of zoning plans) is often an important management measure to implement spatial management plans. The purpose of a zoning plan (Ehler & Douvere 2009) is: To provide protection for biologically and ecologically important habitats, ecosystems, and ecological processes. To seperate conflicting human activities, or to combine compatible activities. To protect the natural values of the marine management area (in MESMA terminology: the SMA) while allowing reasonable human uses of the area. To allocate areas for reasonable human uses while minimising the effects of these human uses on each other, and nature. To preserve some areas of the SMA in their natural state undisturbed by humans except for scientific and educational purposes.peer-reviewe

    Learning biophysically-motivated parameters for alpha helix prediction

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Our goal is to develop a state-of-the-art protein secondary structure predictor, with an intuitive and biophysically-motivated energy model. We treat structure prediction as an optimization problem, using parameterizable cost functions representing biological "pseudo-energies". Machine learning methods are applied to estimate the values of the parameters to correctly predict known protein structures.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Focusing on the prediction of alpha helices in proteins, we show that a model with 302 parameters can achieve a Q<sub><it>α </it></sub>value of 77.6% and an SOV<sub><it>α </it></sub>value of 73.4%. Such performance numbers are among the best for techniques that do not rely on external databases (such as multiple sequence alignments). Further, it is easier to extract biological significance from a model with so few parameters.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The method presented shows promise for the prediction of protein secondary structure. Biophysically-motivated elementary free-energies can be learned using SVM techniques to construct an energy cost function whose predictive performance rivals state-of-the-art. This method is general and can be extended beyond the all-alpha case described here.</p